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Can A Tenant Fight A Florida Eviction?

By Seward Law Office, P.A. |

No landlord truly enjoys evictions, though they are an unfortunate part of owning rental properties in Florida. If it becomes necessary to evict a tenant, it is important to keep in mind that no matter what they may have done or not done, they still have rights and are entitled to the same good… Read More »

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Changes To Florida Real Estate Law In 2025

By Seward Law Office, P.A. |

In the United States, legislatures are often quite active, passing and modifying laws that affect every possible facet of life. 2024 was a busy legislative year in Florida, with multiple different laws coming into force at any one moment. The field of real estate is seeing several changes that can affect anyone looking to… Read More »

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Can “55+” Communities Ban Children?

By Seward Law Office, P.A. |

The federal Fair Housing Act came into effect in 1989. It barred landlords and homeowners from discriminating against tenants or buyers based on characteristics, among them including such as race/color, disability, and ‘familial status.’ This term was added one year later, and is generally construed to mean whether or not someone has children. A… Read More »

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Top 3 Most Common Reasons For Evicting A Florida Tenant

By Seward Law Office, P.A. |

Most landlords do not look forward to the moments where they must evict a tenant, but are aware of the moments when doing so is necessary. The actual process can be complex, or it can be simple, but how it will go in your case will largely depend on the underlying reason for the… Read More »

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How Do HOAs Enforce Association Rules?

By Seward Law Office, P.A. |

Homeowners’ associations (HOAs) are common in Florida, and provide several advantages to property owners, including landscaping and maintenance, amenities, and rules to regulate potentially offensive conduct. However, an HOA is only as peaceful as its rules and regulations, and whether or not it has the authority to enforce them. If you are a member… Read More »

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Is My Community Association Engaging In The Unauthorized Practice Of Law?

By Seward Law Office, P.A. |

Community associations deal with several different issues every day, many of which are legal in nature. However, it is important that board members understand the limits of their purview; if they exceed these limits, they can be accused of the unauthorized practice of law (UPL). If you are unsure as to whether you have… Read More »

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Condo Boards & Companion Animals

By Seward Law Office, P.A. |

A service animal is an animal – only a dog or, in rare cases, miniature horses – which is trained to perform one or more tasks directly related to a person’s disability. An emotional support animal (ESA) is an animal whose mere presence provides stability and comfort, but is not task trained. Federal and… Read More »

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How Do Easements Affect Florida Real Estate Transactions?

By Seward Law Office, P.A. |

When someone is interested in buying a home in Florida, it is generally their responsibility to research any potential issues in ownership before agreeing to the sale (with certain exceptions). The existence of a servitude – that is, a long-term agreement that ‘runs with the land,’ such as an easement – can sometimes complicate… Read More »

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When Can A Landlord Legally Raise Rent In Florida?

By Seward Law Office, P.A. |

Over time, Florida has weathered a series of housing crises, occurring for several different reasons. As a result, rent prices have risen overall, but both landlords and tenants have become hyper-aware of their rights surrounding rent changes and increases. If you are a Florida landlord, you must know the relevant laws before attempting to… Read More »

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Do You Need An Attorney When Selling A Florida Home?

By Seward Law Office, P.A. |

Selling a house is one of the biggest life changes that most people will experience at some point in time. However, not all sales are created equal – depending on the time, place, and property itself, a sale can be smooth, or unforeseen problems can occur. Having the right attorney on your side can… Read More »

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