Category Archives: Landlord Tenant

Can A Tenant Fight A Florida Eviction?
No landlord truly enjoys evictions, though they are an unfortunate part of owning rental properties in Florida. If it becomes necessary to evict a tenant, it is important to keep in mind that no matter what they may have done or not done, they still have rights and are entitled to the same good… Read More »

Top 3 Most Common Reasons For Evicting A Florida Tenant
Most landlords do not look forward to the moments where they must evict a tenant, but are aware of the moments when doing so is necessary. The actual process can be complex, or it can be simple, but how it will go in your case will largely depend on the underlying reason for the… Read More »

When Can A Landlord Legally Raise Rent In Florida?
Over time, Florida has weathered a series of housing crises, occurring for several different reasons. As a result, rent prices have risen overall, but both landlords and tenants have become hyper-aware of their rights surrounding rent changes and increases. If you are a Florida landlord, you must know the relevant laws before attempting to… Read More »

The Florida Eviction Process For Landlords
No one on either side of the eviction process truly enjoys it, but it is often a necessary evil, particularly for landlords. If a tenant decides to withhold rent, or otherwise is acting in a manner inconsistent with their lease, the Florida landlord has the right to evict the tenant and rent to someone… Read More »

Landlord Dos & Don’ts In Florida
Between the increased responsibility and the change to one’s finances, becoming a landlord is a major life event. However, it is unfortunately all too common for new landlords to not have a solid grasp on what they can and cannot do under Florida and U.S. law – and denying the rights of one’s tenants,… Read More »

The Rights & Responsibilities Of A Florida Landlord
Both landlords and tenants have specifically defined rights under Florida law, and both have responsibilities they must take seriously. A landlord, in particular, has both a fair amount of leeway and a heavy burden of responsibility in dealing with their tenant(s). That said, first-time landlords may not fully understand what they must do, and… Read More »

Know The Law: The Florida Fair Housing Act
Both state and federal law recognize the right to buy or rent a home without discrimination. Florida and the U.S. government both have laws known as the Fair Housing Act (FHA and FFHA), both of which guarantee the right to housing without consideration of certain personal characteristics (though the list differs between the state… Read More »

What Is The Warranty Of Habitability In Florida Landlord-Tenant Law?
In Florida and many other states, tenants have an implied warranty of habitability in their homes. This means that a landlord is required to furnish the basic essentials that a tenant needs in order to live comfortably. While there is a statute that governs the specifics required of a landlord, the warranty itself is… Read More »

When A Tenant Breaks A Lease
Few tenants sign a lease with the intention to break it or leave the premises before its conclusion – but sometimes, life happens, and they may need to depart suddenly. Doing so is called breaking a lease, and while some of these situations can be settled between the landlord and the tenant, sometimes it… Read More »

How To Keep An Eviction Legal
If a landlord and a tenant enter into a lease contract, both parties are required to act in a way that upholds the terms of the lease at all times. This includes the terms that govern breaking that lease or otherwise terminating it, such as by eviction. A landlord must conduct an eviction in… Read More »